🍂 "Golden Leaves, Golden Tunes" Recital 🍂

Fri Nov 10 2023 at 10 AM PST

As the vibrant hues of autumn paint the world, we're thrilled to invite you to a musical celebration inspired by the season's beauty. Let the melodies of our community carry you through a journey, reminiscent of leaves dancing in the breeze and the golden embrace of November.


Prepare to be serenaded by a mix of classic pieces and fresh compositions, all under the spellbinding theme of autumn's elegance. Grab your favorite cozy blanket, a cup of something warm, and join us for an evening that promises both warmth and wonder.

See you there, as we embrace the magic of music and the splendor of the season!

General information and Guidelines below!

Reply to this topic with your name and repertoire selection if you would like to perform! If you don't know what you want to play yet, you can always just let us know your intent!We'll try to max out these concerts at 60min!


These events are NOT live-streamed OR recorded, but are private zoom meetings where tonebase members can share their hard work and perform for each other! 

These concerts can be played LIVE, or if you can't attend, you can submit a recording!

This is a GENEROUS and SUPPORTIVE space.

Performing is one of the best ways to push yourself, and really evaluate the work/progress you have made!

Repertoire is open to any piece!

Memorization is NOT required.

You can play select movements, or even sections of pieces! No need to perform a complete works!

Playing the guitar is fun, but sharing your music with others is one of life's great joys. Join in on the fun and cheer each other on!


Because we use zoom for these concerts, it is important to have the best audio and visual settings available!

Check out these videos depending on the device you are using!





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    • martinTeam
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    • martin.3
    • 9 mths ago
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    Here's the program so far!

    Todd Berry : tbd

    Derek : tbd

    Blaise Laflamme : tbd

    joosje : Songe Capricorne

    Calin Lupa : Un dia de Noviembre

    Martha Kreipke : Wild Mountain Thyme

      • Derek
      • Derek
      • 9 mths ago
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      martin Hi Martin. I'm not going to say what I am going to play. It's an arrangement of a well known song (it's well known to me if not to anyone else). I'm hoping people will recognise it :-)

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 9 mths ago
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      Derek wonderful, thank you!

    • martinTeam
    • LIVE
    • martin.3
    • 10 mths ago
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    I'm looking forward to another beautiful community concert from our tonebuddies! Please reply here if you wanna play something! 🎉

  • Yes, I want to perform, but a lot will depend on my schedule. It's complex, to say the least. But I have several things in mind as possibilities. I will choose one and try to keep it at 5 minutes or less.

    • Derek
    • Derek
    • 10 mths ago
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    I have a fun piece on a Golden Theme, about 3 minutes long but as I played last week if there isn't enough time I'm happy just to watch 

  • I think I have something that fits the theme for this concert, if there is some remaining time I would like to be in!

  • I’d like to join in for this recital. Or, would it be too early for the Songe Capricorne? And, since I played last Friday, I’d be okay to leave place for others this time.

    Like 1
    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 9 mths ago
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    I’d like to join and play something. Not sure what yet. I’ll get back to ya’ll on that 😄

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    • Calin Lupa
    • Calin_Lupa
    • 9 mths ago
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    Great theme, I would like to join and play Un dia de Noviembre  by Leo Brouwer, if there is still room. 

    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 9 mths ago
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    Ok, I've decided. I will play Sor Op.6, No. 11 

    I look forward to seeing you all there and enjoying your beautiful contributions!

    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 8 mths ago
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    martin hi Martin, I’m sorry I need to drop out of this concert. I’ve been experiencing some nerve issues in my hands. I’ll be seeing a neurologist this week for a diagnosis but in the meantime I’m taking it easy and preparing this piece for a concert is a bad idea 😔

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 8 mths ago
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      Debbie oh no, so sorry to hear that!! Please take care of yourself!!

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 8 mths ago
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      martin thank you Martin

    • Debbie I'm also sorry to hear that, keep us informed... we already miss you 🤗

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 8 mths ago
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      Blaise Laflamme thank you Blaise

      • Calin Lupa
      • Calin_Lupa
      • 8 mths ago
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      Debbie sorry to hear that, take care. 

      • Derek
      • Derek
      • 8 mths ago
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      Debbie Sorry to hear this Debbie - I hope you make a full and speedy recovery!

    • Debbie Praying for healing and recovery for you!

    • martinTeam
    • LIVE
    • martin.3
    • 8 mths ago
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    Blaise Laflamme Todd Berry Tomorrow is the day, have you settled on a piece for the Community Concert? 😁

    Derek Calin Lupa joosje Martha Kreipke Can't wait for tomorrow!!!

    It's 10 am PST! There will be an email going out 1h before, but please mark it in your calendars!

    • martin Yes, I'll play two pieces, 1. Gold and 2. Red from Appalachian Colours by William Beauvais... And the activity is 1 hour earlier than usual?

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 8 mths ago
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      Blaise Laflamme yes! We didn't want it to interfere with a potential cross stream!

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