ANNOUNCING New Live Calendar (+ Link to Discussion Thread Archive!)
Hello everybody! As you might have noticed, the format of the front page of our tonebase Community got a makeover
With the help of tonebase's wonderful Product team, we are now able to display upcoming live events as a calendar, rather than as a series of threads in arbitrary order!
Check out the new calendar view here!
Going forward, tonebase Live events will have a dedicated calendar entry which will function in the same way as our previous dedicated discussion threads - except with the added benefits that:
- you can add events to your calendar
- you can RSVP to those that interest you!
We strongly encourage you to continue replying to these threads with your questions before our streams, and to keep the conversation going once the streams are no longer live, too!
Once these new events are no longer live, you can see them and continue to post in them in the past events list: click here to access the past events list!
All previous dedicated live threads can still be accessed and replied to! They have been archived in a forum that is no longer shown on the main page. However, you can still access it by following this link:
Click here for the archive of all dedicated live discussion threads!
See you all around tonebase Live and Community!