WEEK 5: What We've Aspired!!!


  1. Select Your Piece(s): Choose one or more pieces that you've learned this year. It could be something you've practiced through our live streams, a personal favorite, or a challenging piece you've conquered.
  2. Record Your Performance: Film yourself playing your selected piece(s). Quality doesn't have to be professional – it's all about sharing your progress and passion.
  3. Share Your Journey: Post your video in our community forum under the "End of the Year Challenge" thread. Include a brief write-up about your experience learning the piece – what challenges you faced, how you overcame them, and what this piece means to you. If you don't want to record yourself, show us a video of a piece you plan to take on in the next year!
  4. Engage with Others: Watch, comment, and encourage your fellow community members. Share your feedback, experiences, and celebrate each other's progress.

↓ Happy Sharing! ↓

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  • So here is the complete Estudio No. 3 (Bicordes) composed by Abel Carlevaro.  It is the third study in a set of five Estudios by Carlevaro that were written in homage to Villa-Lobos.  This study is also dedicated to Eduardo Fernandez.  Maestro Carlevaro gave the first public performance of this piece in San Francisco in 1983. This Estudio was a bit challenging to learn and while it still needs some time to mature, I am relatively pleased with the progress to date after one month of study.  The tempo is designated as "rubato" and probably should be played a little faster, which I hope will come with a little more time.  

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      • Andre Bernier
      • Retired
      • Andre_Bernier
      • 11 mths ago
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      Dale Needles  Nice Dale, I have to say that the more I listen to this music the more I love it. Well done and thanks for sharing your work 😄

    • Andre Bernier Thanks, Andre. 

    • Dale Needles Beautiful Dale, your understanding of Carlevaro's music elements and textures combined with a refined use of colours and technique provide a very expressive interpretation of this work, bravo! 👌

  • When Martin challenged us to tackle a Monster piece, the Bach Chaconne was my first choice.  I've long been interested in learning it, and tried for a bit with the Andres Segovia transcription,  "Impossible," was my conclusion.  I ordered the Barrueco transcription, and found it much easier to read--a lot of that was the clear typeface.  I have worked on this for at least an hour a day for the last 3 months.  The 32nd note sections are especially challenging for me.  Here I'm beginning with the major section, one of my favorites, and playing through to the end.  This is a piece which I love, and I know will challenge me for the rest of my life.  I'm learning so much in the process.

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      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 11 mths ago
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      Marilyn Blodget Bravo Marilyn for meeting the challenge of the Chaconne!! 

      I also love the major section.  Your have it under your fingers so well at this point and I agree that your interpretation will continue to develop and improve as time goes on.  We need to live with this one for quite a while.

      When I learned this piece, I used the Segovia version and also watched his masterclass  video in Santiago de Compostela ( Spain ) year 1965 which was wonderful.  Have you seen it?

      • Andre Bernier
      • Retired
      • Andre_Bernier
      • 11 mths ago
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      Marilyn Blodget  Well done Marilyn. I admire your patience and determination in tackling such a difficult piece of music. Bravo 💪

    • Barney Thanks Barney!  It’s such a privilege to spend time with Bach and try to understand what he was saying about life and love and eternity through the Chaconne.  I just rewatched Brigitte Zaczeck’s Segovia MasterClass. So inspiring!  

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    • Andre Bernier Thanks Andre.  Consistent intentional work over time is always the key to making progress toward our goals.  I’m glad I’m getting to know the Chaconne.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 11 mths ago
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      Marilyn Blodget Great Marilyn!  I agree.

    • Marilyn Blodget Very admirable and impressive undertaking in tackling this monster of a piece, and one of the great pieces played on the guitar. You are doing a stellar job and brava to you.  

    • Dale Needles Thank you Dale!  I appreciate your encouragement!

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 11 mths ago
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      Marilyn Blodget This is really impressive, Marilyn!  You have a good grasp of the middle section. I think that is a great idea to start with the middle section. Perhaps you could use portions of the 32nd scales and arpeggios as daily exercises to get up to speed before taking on the 1st section.

      It has always been a fantasy of mine to learn the Chaconne. I am afraid it has slipped out of fantasy into the unattainable. But... there is always air guitar.

    • Jack Stewart Thanks Jack!  I actually began with the 32nd note sections and memorized them. I found it impossible to read those passages and play them with any fluidity.  They still are my biggest challenges and probably always will be.  So I’m already following your wise advice. I find the other sections are not impossible—they are actually quite fun.  

    • Jack Stewart I felt the same way that you do about tackling the Chaconne.  But small sections over lots of time can begin to see it come to life.  But there is so much beautiful music we can focus on.

    • Marilyn Blodget Bravo Marilyn, what a beast you're working on and you're doing very great! I hope to eventually hear the first part, or the whole work, in an upcoming challenge! 💪

    • Blaise Laflamme Thank you Blaise!  So you want to listen to all 20 minutes of it?  Maybe I can shave off a minute or two— but I’m no speedster. I appreciate your support!

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