Group 2

Increase Legato Playing in Both Hands in Two Weeks with TY!

Every instrument has its limitations and weaknesses. Playing legato is one of the hardest things to master on the guitar. Every note is so fragile: if your right hand accidentally touches the string or your left hand leaves the string in-between notes, the note will be stopped. Let’s explore and discuss the techniques and experiences on the details of how to maintain the notes with your left hand clean shifting, shifting motion, fingertip motion, exercises, and right hand training processes of free strokes for perfect legato playing.

Fellow Participants in Group 2:

TY Legato Group 2

Tom Reed



David Levin


Marilyn Blodget



Martha Kreipke

Tony Gunia




Share a video where you demonstrate the three exercises as presented by TY. As a bonus, add measures 1-10 by Carcassi op.60 no.1

  1. Release the String, don't pluck it!
  2. Spider Exercise! 
  3. Left Hand Shifting / Change Fret Exercises
  4. Carcassi Op.60 No.1 Measure 1-10


Watch TY's Lesson on Carcassi op.60 no.1 here!


How to get the most out of this course

Start by watching the introduction video and practice the exercises given in the video.
Write a post where you had big issues with legato!
Share two videos per week and help your course partners through feedback on their submissions!

Zoom Check-In: Sunday, July  24th 3pm EST / 12 noon PST

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    • Robert
    • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
    • Robert
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi TY, hi group,
    I am following TY's nice suggestion: here is a small part from one of the pieces that I am currently working on. It is Torroba's "Montemayor", and the aspect of playing legato is important throughout the entire piece. I picked the bars 17-18 (with 16 as end of the previous phrase and even some notes after 18 for ending the current phrase). They are looking quite simple, two parallel lines in bass and treble notes, but (for me) it is not that easy to play that really convincing as a legato line and furthermore there is a problem with some squeaks on the bass string sometimes. I tried do use my LH fingers as guide fingers, but I think I have to lift at least the bass finger completely in order to avoid that squeak, right? I have not practiced that so far. So the video is reflecting the current state, and for avoiding a "lucky shot" I recorded 4 or 5 sequences and used also different camera angles.
    Thanks for comments,
    happy and succesful (legato) practicing

    Like 1
      • Robert
      • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
      • Robert
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Nick Thanks for your comment on my video and the hint to the LH fitness video. I have not seen that so far.

    • Robert Dear Robert! When we shifting double strings up and down, I sometimes lifting the bass string finger and only glide the treble string finger, so that we have clean sound, no squeaks, but still have the gliss sound. Beautifully played!

      • Robert
      • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
      • Robert
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      TY Zhang Thanks for that comment and hint! 🙂

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