WEEK 2: Keep on practicing! 🤖

Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the End-Of-The-Year Community Concert Challenge!

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  • Things you found difficult:
  • (Optional): a video of you performing it!
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  • A complete pass through the Canco Trista. Not perfect, but it's coming along. Thanks for the feedback everyone and thanks for the suggestions, Steve Pederson .

    Like 8
    • Steve Pederson Good catch on the minor 3rd in the final chord. I checked the video the composer's son made and that's definitely the way he plays it as well. He also adds echoed right-hand harmonics on the e and c#, but I'm not sure I'm crazy about that.

      I see what you mean about the opening line and was messing with some new ways to play it. Sometimes campanella sections in modern music sound a little new-agey to me if they go long, but a short run like you mentioned followed by a slide from g to b I really like. 

      This has really been a beneficial process in terms of learning a piece, performance, and even recording so doing this once a month for a year would give me a pretty solid repertoire as well as focus my practice a little better. Thanks for the input.

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 1 yr ago
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      Steve Price That was beautiful, Steve. Your tone and phrasing were very well done.

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    • Steve Price beautiful, you should consider playing this piece on the next concert.

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    • Blaise Laflamme Thanks, I think I'll give it a shot.

  • Sor Op 6 No 12 Dec 19

    I'll probably make this my final video for this piece. Sorry the lighting is so bad. I only had sunlight coming through my windows, and the sun was setting as I was playing.

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    • Eric Phillips bravo Eric, beautiful rendition of this piece, I really like what you've done and the time you took working on it paid off. 👋

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    • Eric Phillips this is absolutely beautiful. All the voices come out so clearly and the melodies are singing and shining al through the piece. Great achievement in, actually, little time. You showed some impatience first, but the effort is definitely paying off….

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      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 1 yr ago
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      Eric Phillips I love it! Sounds so good! Definitely a keeper. 

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      • Robert
      • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
      • Robert
      • 1 yr ago
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      Eric Phillips Eric, this is really beautiful, and it is so nice to see how this was evolving from day to day due to your effort and practicing. Thanks for sharing this!

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 1 yr ago
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      Eric Phillips I love your phrasing and execution on this version, Eric. I think you have really captured the spirit of this piece. Great job.

      I found the 'mood' lighting to be very effective.

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    • Jack Stewart Yes, 'mood' lighting is exactly what I was going for!🙂

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