Advanced Metronome Use: More than just Time Keeping

Hey my fellow lovers of accurate time-keeping, we are taking a closer look at the educational capabilities of the Metronome! How to implement it into your workflow for fast pieces, slow pieces, technical exercises and even creating a click track in an advanced piece of software!

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We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!

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Forum questions will be answered first!

In this workshop we are going to explore the possibilities of the Metronome beyond being a simple tool for time-keeping! While the Metronome has nightmare-inducing potential for someone who just started out with learning an instrument, we intend to unlock the endless capabilities of the Metronome for slow and fast pieces, for technical exercises and even creating a click track in an advanced piece of software. Let us welcome the Metronome, one of the musician's best friends!

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    • kieuhieu
    • kieuhieu
    • 3 yrs ago
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     Hello, greeting from vietnam . I'm having a problem with practising cadenza and ad libitum or suddenly change tempo in metronome . Please help!                                                                               for example: fantaisie hongoraise by Mertz...etc

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      kieuhieu Hi, nice to here from you! Ad Libitum parts- so passages which are intentionally meant to be played out of regular meter - are tricky to work with the metronome! Try to see the metronome not as a device that will make you help getting faster, but to build a healthier relationship with time and rhythm!

      I'd suggest to play this passage with a super slow metronome click  (like 8ths in 60bpm) but with the written rhythm in order to get a general idea about the relations of the different parts, because although it's written ad libitum, it still a written rhythm which indicates a certain temporal relationship between those!

      If you are certain about the rhythm, you can add much more freedom as there are certain dynamic and rhythmic markings that indicate a freer rhythm (dim. and rit.). Just make sure that not your hand is dictating your relationshib with time, but your musical choices! In the end, I would play the piece with the metronome in a certain tempo, ignore it for the ad libitum cadenza and then just come back in with the metronome after the fermata!

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      • kieuhieu
      • kieuhieu
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Martin thank you so much , i'm very happy with your answer . I will pratise like what you said!

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      kieuhieu great! It's fantastic standard piece, I'll think about doing a deep dive into this one for a livestream!

    • Igornull
    • Igor.2
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi, Martin. Great session! It´s awesome what you can do with Reaper. I wish I had known that when I learned Brouwer Sonata 1st movement. THANK YOU!!

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Igor You are very welcome! And yes, Reaper so incredibly powerful, I haven't discovered all the possibilities with it myself!

  • Hi Martin

    Thanks for the tips and exercises - the play, release, move, prepare, play especially started paying dividends very quickly.

    If anyone is interested, I'm using Beatronome which does all the features you used. It also allows you to program changes - e.g. play 8 bars at 3/4, 16 bars at 4/4 et cetera which I suspect the app you use also does.

    A big issue I have is maintaining tempo over the length of a piece in particular where there are meter changes.

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Mehmet oh cool, I didn't know that one, I will check it out! The software I have been using is a full fledged music production environment, so absolutely overkill for this task. Having something lightweight would come in very handy!

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