WEEK 4: Homenaje a la Guitarra 
- martinTeam
- martin.3
- 3 yrs ago
- 336replies
- Stefanie Mosburger-Dalznull3 yrs ago
Welcome to the Main Thread for the fourth week of our musical Journey to Spain!! This is the place to share submissions of the fourth week!
- Make sure you've read the guidelines before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
If you want to describe your process (optional), feel free to use the following template.
- Things you found easy:
- Things you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
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- Olli
- Mr. Pizza
- Saitenzwirbler
- 3 yrs ago
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Luis de Narváez / Cancion del Imperador
- Things you found easy:
- holding the guitar
- Things you found difficult:
- to let the piece go forward
- to leave the instrument in vibration
- to not have any interruptions in the Melodie
- to use "P I P I" instead of "M I M I"
- I put the Melodie of "Mille Regrets" into the score and tried to
bring it forward (all Voice-Notes are marked green or put in)
- not to be an Arpeggiator
- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 3 yrs ago
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Olli I love this, Olli! Like Martin was saying, you can feel the pulse without it being metronomic. The use of p-i really does change the feel of the little runs. Very impressive that you could change your right hand fingering so quickly and (seemingly) easily. Great work, and not creepy or boring at all.
I also love the lutes in the background!
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- Olli
- Mr. Pizza
- Saitenzwirbler
- 3 yrs ago
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Eric Phillips thank you for your kind words Eric.
Yes, I changed from IM to PI ... it is also possible playing in IM....this was a try.... Using the singing Voice as a reference helped me to not get stuck in the piece .... I am very happy with my new Webcam (AMDIS 1080P full HD) ....12.- Bucks incl. Shipping
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 3 yrs ago
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Olli That was wonderful, Olli. You fully incorporated Martin's advice to great effect. You made a very good performance into an excellent one. Great work!
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- Emmanull
- Emma
- 3 yrs ago
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Olli vey beautiful with the metallic tone, it surprised one. Very clean and crisp . Very well done!
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- Olli
- Mr. Pizza
- Saitenzwirbler
- 3 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart thank you so much for your nice words
... Yes, I tried to involve all tips and advices that Martin gave at the Masterclass...As I said, the piece is still not finished - I want to bring some more pulse and some more lightness into it near future ...
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- Olli
- Mr. Pizza
- Saitenzwirbler
- 3 yrs ago
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Emma Hello Emma, thank you for your Kindly comment - you mentioned the silver tone. I made some experience that I want to share with you. Normally I play, for many years, Augustine black label (Basses low tension, trebles nylon normal tension) I needed to give all my attention to produce a warm, deep tone....the guitar tended to sound very treble and crisp....
Now I changed strings to Augustine Imperial Red (normal Tension Basses and high tension nylon trebles) and now: the guitar sounds very dark, to get trebles I have to do much work.... the total difference.... I am searching for the middle....
Best Regards
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- martinTeam
- martin.3
- 3 yrs ago
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Olli That was soooo, so good! I'm glad you could incorporate some of my advices and I hope that they make sense know that you're playing it that way!! The P-I-scales were an eye-opener for me when I first heard about that!
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- Olli
- Mr. Pizza
- Saitenzwirbler
- 3 yrs ago
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Martin Hello Martin, I am very exited about the fact, that you now like the recording - I tried to involve every tip you gave. Thank you very much
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- martinTeam
- martin.3
- 3 yrs ago
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Olli awesome! Keep up the good work!!!
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- Wainull
- Wai_Ng
- 3 yrs ago
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Olli Beautiful mate! The music was so soothing and calm. Did you upgrade the sound this time? And the hamster guitar was also being upgraded!
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- Olli
- Mr. Pizza
- Saitenzwirbler
- 3 yrs ago
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Wai Hello Wai, thank you. I changed nothing on the Microphones etc. I used a new Webcam - so the video is better. And of course, tried another set of strings - but I think, I will change back from Augustine regal red to good old fashioned Agustine black ...
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- martinTeam
- martin.3
- 3 yrs ago
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Wai Olli Sometimes we listen with our eyes as well
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- Moyses Lopes
- Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
- Moses
- 3 yrs ago
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Olli Beautiful!!! Great interpretation, Olli! You have defined very well the colors and timbres, to detach the phrases. Bravo!
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- Olli
- Mr. Pizza
- Saitenzwirbler
- 3 yrs ago
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Martin yes - I agree 100% with that. In our time, the video quality should be as best as possible - then it makes, for most of the people, much more fun to watch/listen !
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- Olli
- Mr. Pizza
- Saitenzwirbler
- 3 yrs ago
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Moyses Lopes thank you very much for your kind words - step by step we learn more about music and interpretation. I am playing guitar now for about 34 years....normally a person who's not in music should think I should be able to play after that time....But after the practice is before the practice - the comes the repetition
Maybe in ten years, every Tonebase Challenge could be directly recorded and sold on CD.
I am happily got a lifetime membership on black Friday - so, as long Tonebase exists, we can improve, improve and improve our abilities...
Martin How long will it take to get the declaration "Senior Tonebase Member"
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- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 3 yrs ago
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Antonio Cano – El Eco
Here is a piece by Cano that is very different than the one I posted yesterday. It’s a blast to play! The title becomes obvious once you listen to it. The shifting is absolutely crazy (bordering on ridiculous). I botched more than a few of them, but I hope it is still listenable.
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 3 yrs ago
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Eric Phillips Your sight reading always blows me away. Wonderful playing.
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- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 3 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Thanks, Jack. This is one where a clever idea just becomes tedious after too long. And I left out the repeats!
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 3 yrs ago
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- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 3 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Yeah, entire sections were marked to be repeated, but I just said, “I don’t think so.”
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- Emmanull
- Emma
- 3 yrs ago
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Eric Phillips this is a great piece for practicing shifts! Your harmonics are so good!
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- Ronnull
- Ron.3
- 3 yrs ago
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Eric Phillips Definitely listenable! As you say, very different to yesterday's but very interesting. Well played!
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- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 3 yrs ago
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Emma Ron Thank you both!
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- Steve Pederson
- The Journey is My Destination!
- Steve_Pederson
- 3 yrs ago
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Eric Phillips You're right, that looks like fun! If you really want to punish yourself, I suppose you could put a capo on the 2nd fret and hit a high B!
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- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 3 yrs ago
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Steve Pederson Well that would make it harder! I could also go capo 5, which would force me to use some artificial harmonic somewhere over the sound hole.