Phil Brunkard

Enthusiastic Amateur
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Joined: 18 Nov 2023
I dabbled with classical guitar when I was 18-19 but I was more into rock. My interest started thanks to the Steves - Hackett and Howe. And then I saw a Julian Bream documentary about the music of Albeniz which blew me away. But over the many years (30 since then) I never really practised or studied guitar. I tried self-learning about 3 years ago but I wasnt improving. I started lessons just over a year ago and progressed from grade 5 standard to starting to play grade 7 now.
But I'm not performance proof and make mistakes. Improving steadily but need to focus on technique in all its forms.
I've set a target to be comfortably playing grade 8 pieces by 2025.
I favour Spanish and South American composers. You know who they are but also like modern pieces too.

Would welcome the opportunity to connect with others.


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